Sometimes PUBG players find an issue that keeps resetting their in-game settings. In this guide, we will tell you some simple methods that you can follow to fix the PUBG Settings Error. For anyone who plays PUBG seriously, definitely they would not want their gameplay to get affected. Of course, resetting everything from scratch is a waste of precious time.

Personally, I, as a gamer or a PUBG player, cannot afford to lose my settings. Though I play PUBG Mobile, my settings are constant for a long time. No way I would wish to waste my time remapping everything every time I sit to play. So, for any avid gamer let it be PC or mobile, losing the settings is a nightmare. However, in today’s guide, we will discuss about PUBG PC. This means if you play the PC version of the game and face the PUBG Settings error then how can you overcome them.? Let’s check out the guide.

Also Read

Fix: PUBG Error Detection of an Unauthorized Device

Fix: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds or PUBG Won’t Launch or Not Loading on PC

Fix: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds or PUBG Screen Tearing on PC, PS4, PS5, or Xbox Consoles

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How to Fix PUBG Settings Error .?

We have put up some simple troubleshooting techniques along with some technical solutions that you have to implement.

Restart your Device

Let’s begin with some simple and primary workaround

  • Restart your PC
  • Launch PUBG
  • Now check the Settings.

Set Game User Settings to Read Only

This may sound confusing but all you have to do is change the status of the Game User Settings option in the game folders. You have to go to the drive where you have installed the game.

  • Go to the C:\ drive [or any drive in which you have installed PUBG]
  • Then open the Users folders.
  • Under that go to the folder which has your username
  • Inside that open AppData > Local
  • Go to the folder TslGame
  • Look for the folder Saved.
  • Now go to Config > WindowsNoEditor.
  • Look for the file GameUserSettings
  • Right-click on it > Click Properties
  • Remove the checkmark from the tab Read Only

Uninstall and Re-install PUBG

Sometimes in-game bugs may also cause the settings to reset on its own. This should not happen with every build that the developer makes official for the platform. It is occasional but there is a probability that this issue can happen.  So, if the above workaround doesn’t solve anything, then try to uninstall and reinstall the application.

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Not everyone may be willing to do this. Also, I cannot guarantee that will solve the issue in a sureshot manner. If you remove and reinstall the same build, the problem will persist. So, check the build numbers before installing them. You can keep this one as the last resort.

Manually Reset the PUBG Settings

Well, when everything else doesn’t work, the last thing you can do is manually reset the settings every time you play PUBG. Basically, you have to remember or note down your best settings and set them up every time before you begin your game. It’s tedious but that’s an effective solution.

So, that’s it. Though it looks simple, people do get confused and miss out on these workarounds when the PUBG Settings error occurs. Go try out these workarounds and do let us know whether these worked for you or not.?


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