Gome smartphones have garnered a lot of acclaim because of a distinct form factor and the performance, however, even the most high-end smartphone like the Samsung Galaxy Note 9 has issues and Gome is not an exception. There are a lot of users who have stated about the various problems with their Gome smartphone of which, not charging problem is the one we have selected for this blog. Read along to know how to fix the issue using all various available software and hardware methods.
Restart the phone
Most of the experts would recommend users to restart their smartphone when they encounter any problem. This is because doing so will abruptly shut down all the operations and apps both in foreground and background as well as fix or get rid of temporary cache files and software glitches that might cause a slew of a problem such as the Gome not charging problem. So, check if restart the phone has any difference on your phone or not.
Check for app conflicts
App conflicts might not seem like a real problem but it is surely a problem. It usually happens when you download an app on your phone which interferes with other apps or vice versa. You can spot the same when the phone crashes too much or when the particular app crashes too much which are just a few signs. To verify it, you need to uninstall the latest downloaded app and check if it makes any difference. You can go in descending order if you have more than one apps recently installed.
Update all the apps
Since apps can cause conflicts, outdated apps can have their own problems too such as bugs that might have escaped whilst the program or app was running. You can get rid of this potential issue simply by updating the app and in fact, all the apps installed on the smartphone. For that, you need to check for available apps by sliding into the Google Play Store » My apps and games.
Get rid of all cache files
I suppose that you know it already. Cache files are known to cause the potential problem to the system if corrupted which is quite often. You can get rid of the cache files in many ways such as by downloading apps from the Google Play Store that helps get rid of cache files altogether such as CCleaner. Further, you can use the method ‘Settings » Apps » Downloaded » (Click on an app) » Clear Cache to do the same.
Another step revolves around clearing the storage cache which you can access by sliding in ‘Settings » Storage » Cache Memory’. The last type of cache files that you can wipe off is through the recovery mode for which, you can find the pr ocedure mentioned in the method called ‘Perform a restore factory’. Once you log into the recovery mode, you need to tap on ‘wipe cache partition » yes’ and the smartphone will look after the rest.
Update the software firmware
The firmware is the backbone or says, the framework of a smartphone on which, both hardware and software interact with each other. Now, a bug infecting the firmware can have a lasting effect and thus, avoiding it is important which is possible simply by updating the phone to a newer version of firmware. Since Android doesn’t have constant updates, you can opt for a custom ROM to get rid of non-availability of updates.
Perform a restore factory
This particular step must put any and every software-related problem to halt since it literally erases all the data from the system which wipes the bugs and any issues as well. Now, you need to follow a procedure or combination of buttons to trigger the phone to boot into the recovery mode which can be acquired simply by pressing the power button and the volume up button together. This will trigger the phone to boot into the recovery mode wherein you need to use the volume rockers to toggle between available options and proceed to ‘wipe data/factory reset’ using the power button as selection key.
Scrutinize the charging brick
The charging process consists of many hardware components of which, the charging brick is the one that draws power from the power source, alters it as per needed and delivers the power to the phone’s battery via USB cable. You need to check if the charging brick or adapter is damaged or if it is incompatible if you are usually a third-party adapter and not the actual one offered by the manufacturer. To verify it, connect to charging brick to a different phone and verify if it charges the phone or not. If it does, you have the culprit, if not, you need to proceed with the next methods to narrow down the culprit.
Scrutinize the USB cable
The USB cable is subjected to most of the twisting and stretching movements which could render is useless. It could also cause it to fluctuate between connecting and disconnecting the phone to the power brick causing problems like showing that the phone is charging at one time and at the other time, the phone ain’t charging. Verify the same by replacing the USB cable which mustn’t be too difficult. Hope this helps narrow down the search for the culprit.
Scrutinize the USB socket (on your phone)
It is quite possible that the USB socket or port mounted on your phone is actually causing the issue. It could be anything from lint stuck inside the port and around the metal tab or deformed or damaged metal tab. You need to verify the cause of the not charging problem by peeping into the port using a torch that must give you an idea if the metal tab is bent or damaged in some way.
Check if the battery is water damaged
If restoring the phone doesn’t helps fix the problem, then it is possible that the problem is on the hardware front. You need to verify if the phone was water damaged ever or at least the battery which could conclude the issue. If the battery seems okay, you can proceed with the further methods.
Verify if the battery is physically damaged
Now that the battery is visible in case if it is non-removable or if you have the phone in your hand if it is removable, you need to verify if the battery is physically damaged or not. Check if there’s any swelling or deforming from any side. It is quite possible that the battery has become old or decreased its performance after developing a fault or anything. You can get it scrutinized from a service center.
Seek help from professionals
You referred all the methods mentioned above including resolution to fix software-related Gome not charging problem as well as hardware-related issue, it’s time to report the issue to a service center which is the place where you’ll get the perfect resolution to the issue.
Let us know about the status of your Gome not charging problem and if any of the methods we mentioned above had any effects on the problems or not.