Fallout 76 was released back in November for Windows, Xbox One and Playstation and has received a lot of love from gamers worldwide. However, this game is not free of errors and you might encounter some hiccups too. One such hiccup is the “an unknown error has occurred. [4:7:2000]”. In this article, we will take a look at what you can do to fix this.

Now, this error message pops up due to authenticity issues, which means that you might be restricted from access to the game or maybe you have not yet redeemed a retail game code for your account. No worries though as we will tell you what are all the possible reasons for which you could be experiencing this error and also tell you what you can do to fix it.

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How to fix an unknown error has occurred. [4:7:2000] in Fallout 76?

  • Firstly, it depends on where did you purchase the game. If you purchased it directly from Bethesda.net Digital Store, Xbox One Marketplace, or PlayStation Store, then the game code should be applied to your account and should not face this error at all. Bethesda Game Studios is where the game was developed and it was later published by Bethesda Softworks. So if you directly from their digital store, this error should not occur at all.
  • Now if you purchased the game from a different retailer then you should directly contact your retailer and ask about when they will provide you with the retail game code. One thing to keep in mind here is that if you have difficulties contacting this other participating retailer, then Bethesda can’t help you with it.
  • Now if you are a PC user and you have successfully redeemed the retail game code, then run “Scan and Repair” from your game. This did the trick for many players out there.
  • After following all these instructions and redeeming the retail game code, if you are still unable to get rid of this error, then contact Bethesda Customer Support right from the account in which you are experiencing the “an unknown error has occurred. [4:7:2000]” error. They will surely help you to sort it out.

Hopefully, this article was helpful to you for fixing the “an unknown error has occurred. [4:7:2000]” error in your copy of Fallout 76. Feel free to comment if you want any other help with Fallout 76. And be sure to check our other updates in the iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Tricks.

How to Fix Fallout 76 Error Code [1:1:0]