Fallout 76 is an excellent choice for an online role-playing action game, but you might run into some connectivity issues with it if you are unaware of certain settings. Many players have reported that the game stopped suddenly, and then they were unable to get into the game again. In this article, we will show you what to do if you are one of those players.

The error that was reported by many was the error that displayed a message that says, ” An unknown error has occurred. [1:1 0]”. Now, if you are also a victim of it, then no need to worry as it is actually a connectivity error, and it is happening for a reason. Let’s take a look at the reason behind this error and how to fix it so you can enjoy Fallout 76 the way it was meant to be.

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How to fix “An unknown error has occurred. [1:1 0]” in Fallout 76?

Now if you are into your intense gaming session and suddenly the message “An unknown error has occurred. [1:1 0]” pops up on your screen, and the game stops running, then first simply try to quit the game altogether and restart it. If the same things happen again, then the chances are that you are using a Dynamic IP. The thing about Fallout 76 is that it is an online game, and it does work with Dynamic IPs for your connection.

Dynamic IP means that the network will keep on switching between different IPs every once in a while. This will make Fallout 76 kick you out of the game, or it might take you to the login screen when you try to switch to a character or change the zone. Now Dynamic IP is something that your Internet service provider is controlling from their side, and you can’t just expect them to switch to a static IP on their own. You have to make changes to your network adapter to make sure that Fallout 76 detects a static IP. To do that, follow the instructions accordingly, as mentioned below.

How to Fix Fallout 76 Error Code [4:7:2000] “an unknown error has occurred”

How to Fix Fallout 76 Error during Bethesda.net Login [3:0:7]

For setting up a static IP address on your network adapter,

  • Click on the start button on the windows and go to the control panel from there. You should see “Control Panel” on the list when you click the start button. If you don’t see it, then simply search for it in the search bar and open it up.
  • Now go to “Network and Sharing Center” and click on the “Change adapter settings” options you see on the left panel.
  • This will show up your active connection network adapter. Right-click on it and choose “properties.”
  • Now select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click on “Properties.”
  • Now click on the General tab on top in the next window and select “Use the following IP address.”
  • In the box below there enter as the IP address and for the Subnet mask enter
  • Now click on OK and close every window. Now restart your system and try playing Fallout 76 now. You will not see the same error again.

If you face any issues during this process, then be sure to comment and let us know your problem. For more useful information like this, check out our iPhone Tips and Tricks, PC tips and tricks, and Android Tips and Tricks..