Call Of Duty Mobile is one of the best battle royale games. It is famous due to the graphics of the game. The graphics of the game gives a real-life feeling which makes it more playable games by gamers. The Call Of Duty Mobile comes with different modes: Battle Royale and Multiplayer Mode. And, many gamers love to play it. The game has a huge fan base and it has more than 100 million downloads.

The Call of Duty Mobile can be easily installed from the play store. But, as the game is available for mobile phones, many gamers use controllers to play the game by connecting to the mobile. It is because they perform much better through the use of controllers. But, many users are reporting that the controller not working on their mobile phones due to some problem. So, in this article, we will be telling you the possible reasons for the issue.

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Reasons For Controller Not Working

So, the gamers are facing the issue that the controller is not working. There can be many reasons for this. So, we are listing out some of them so you can easily resolve them by knowing about the issue.

  • Connectivity Issue
  • Game Glitch
  • Controller Battery Issue
  • Software Issue
  • Hardware Issue

Steps To Fix Controller Issues on your device

Therefore, follow the below-mentioned steps to resolve the issue of not working the Call Of Duty Mobile Controller.

Controller Issue

First of all, if you have connected the controller then disconnect it. Now, check for the battery whether it is fully charged or not. If the battery is not fully charged then the controller will not be detected by the game. So, make sure to fully charge it. And, also check whether the controller is connected to the device or not. After doing this, again check whether the controller is working or not.

Restart The App

Close the app and again start it. Before starting, check whether the controller is connected or not. You can also check whether the controller is working or not by going to the main menu. Many commands will not work on the main screen. It will work only in the match, so try playing a match to ensure whether the controller is working or not. Also, don’t connect the controller in the middle of the match.

Restart Your Mobile Phone

If the problem is not solved then you can try restarting your device. Restart your device, so that if there is any connectivity issue then it will be fixed if the mobile is restarted.

Software Issue

There are many reports that many users are facing this issue after the firmware update which they got on XBOX and PS4 controllers. So, if the issue is caused due to the firmware update, then you have to wait for another official update which will solve that issue of interfering with the connection.

Also, many gamers who don’t want to wait for the update, have bought another controller with the older firmware update and they are preventing it from getting updated from the latest firmware update.


So, we have discussed all the steps for resolving the controller or gamepad not working issue on the Call of Duty Mobile game. I hope it will resolve your issue, if you have resolved it through any other method, then do share it with us in the comment section.