Apex Legends is a free-to-play first-person shooter battle-royale video game that has been developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PS4, Xbox One platforms almost two years ago. Now, several Apex Legends players are having issues with the playlist unavailable error that basically prevents them from joining matches online. As this is a battle royale game, the online multiplayer mode is one of the important that you can’t deny. So, if you’re also facing the same issue, make sure to check out this troubleshooting guide to fix it.

Talking about the playlist unavailable error, it appears quite often to the affected players. Therefore, players can’t select the playlist or join whatsoever. Meanwhile, some of the online reports are claiming that only restarting the Apex Legends game will fix this issue. Well, it may work for a couple of players because sometimes a system glitch or game data cache can cause such problems. However, there are a couple of other workarounds mentioned below that can completely fix the issue.

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How to fix Apex Legends playlist unavailable error

According to the Apex Legends subreddit, some of the players are mentioning that the particular error starts appearing after a recent patch update. This is one of the irritating bugs for the Apex Legends players because they’re unable to get into the online matches. Meanwhile, some of the unfortunate Apex Legends players are reporting that they can’t ready up which means the party isn’t ready and eventually can’t join matches too. So, as one of the victims, you should follow some of the possible solutions below:

1. Restart the Game

Whether you’re playing the Apex Legends game on your PC or console, it’s one of the recommended methods to fully close the problematic game and then relaunch it again. Most of the time gamers can get benefitted once the system glitch or game data gets cleared by rebooting the game.

2. Reboot your PC/Console

If restarting the game doesn’t work for you, then make sure to fully restart your PC or Console. Close the Apex Legends game from your client and exit the client too. Then choose restart or you can also power off your gaming device and then turn it on.

3. Do a Power Cycle of your device

Try performing a power cycle to your gaming device whether you’re using a PC or a console. This process basically eliminates all the unnecessary background runnings tasks and clears the system cache or glitch. In most cases, it can also fix multiple game data-related issues that can bother you during multiplayer mode. To do that:

  • First, turn off your PC or Console > Unplug the power cable from the gaming device.
  • Wait for around 5 minutes and connect the power cable again.
  • Next, turn on your gaming device and check for the playlist unavailable error again.

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4. Do a Power Cycle of Router

You can also try performing a power cycle to your Wi-Fi router. This will ensure to clear all the networking glitches at your side if anything causes this issue. To do this:

  • Turn off your Wi-Fi router first.
  • Now, disconnect the power cable from the router.
  • Wait for around 5 minutes and connect the power cable again.
  • Turn on your Wi-Fi router > Connect to the Wi-Fi network.
  • Finally, run the Apex Legends game to check for the error.

5. Leave and Rejoin the Party

Still, the Apex Legends playlist is unavailable? Well, you can try leaving the party or matchmaking process from the game and rejoining the party or match. This is one of the most suitable solutions for those who want a quick temporary workaround.


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As we’ve mentioned above that the chances are high enough that a very recent game patch update has been introduced the playlist unavailable error most probably. Therefore, you should wait until the problem gets solved permanently. We expect that Respawn Entertainment will fix the problem very soon. Till then stay tuned for more info.