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This article will help you understand what trending hashtags on Twitter do, as well as give tips about using them effectively.

As we already mentioned, trending hashtags on Twitter are a great way to reach audiences with interests similar to yours, but they can be hard to find. Finding the right hashtags is essential to using them effectively since there is no point in choosing unpopular hashtags. You can use hashtag tracking tools, but here are three other ways you might be able to find valuable Twitter tags for your tweets. 

Once you log into your account, Twitter has an interesting trend box on the right-hand side of the page. The trending box can give you a quick snapshot of what people are talking about at any given time and displays all trending topics. 

You may modify the trending box by clicking the tiny wheel symbol. You can use this to find trends that will be more suited to your individual needs, depending on your location. You may also turn on personalized trends so Twitter can provide you with trends based on who you follow, your location, and your actual activity on the site.

Besides that, Twitter has a built-in search feature that lets you keep up with the latest hashtags. You can also keep up with the latest hashtags by clicking on #Explore from your Twitter dashboard. Then select trending for a list of topics that are currently trending in your regions!

You’ll be able to find a list of popular topics and hashtags personalized according to your location and interests. And you can check out the most talked about things in different categories. However, these often show what’s trending across a more extensive audience, so it may be difficult for brands who want to target a niche audience specifically.

In this case, you can use special tools which have been created specifically for finding trending Twitter hashtags. These will bring even more engagement to your tweets and help generate new leads!

Here are some of those tools:


With Trendsmap, you can explore the latest trends from Twitter by clicking on a word or hashtag anywhere in the world. The site gives results for that location, so it’s easy to see what people are talking about locally and globally at any given time!


Hashtagify is like the dashboard for hashtags! It lets you find both trending and popular tags, gives custom suggestions based on what people are talking about right now or recently, and helps find influencers easier by providing a list of relevant accounts.

What is the purpose of a hashtag?

Hashtags are like the bread and butter of Twitter. A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by the # symbol, with no spaces or punctuation. When you click on or search for a hashtag, the profiles and public posts that use this term will be displayed in your feed. 

How to create hashtags and promote to go viral 

Besides finding and using popular trending Twitter hashtags, you can try creating your own and promoting them on the site. Starting to develop your own hashtags isn’t difficult, but it does take some forethought. Evaluate what value you want to provide with your project and how best can crowdsource or buzz generate a discussion that might lead to this aim? You can encourage discussions among people so that they may become engaged in the debate.

Your hashtag should be relevant, creative, and unique. Don’t use any other words or phrases that could cause confusion on Twitter by being too broad in meaning. The perfect hashtag is one that accurately reflects your purpose and can be used with little to no confusion. It would help if you considered the tone of voice you would like for it, as well as whether or not someone has already claimed this term before in anticipation of its potential popularity. Remember – just because something may have been available doesn’t mean everyone will know about it!

It is essential to use a unique hashtag so that people can find the content you are sharing. You can use even tools which will help you find distinctive hashtags for your specific needs or set up notifications, so you instantly know whenever someone uses your hashtag. 

If people don’t know what your hashtag means or who sent them, there’s no point in using one at all! As with any social media platform, users should always provide value when posting and encourage others too – this makes your posts far more interesting than just saying “use my tag,” which could come off as spammy if not done correctly.

And lastly, remember that you are not just marketing to people but instead interacting with them! Always keep that in mind when creating your strategies for true success.

The world has seen a number of events that have grabbed global attention throughout the years. From videos going viral on social media to news headlines trending across countries, many occurrences have resulted in the creation of viral hashtags that are still remembered today! Some such examples are:


The crypto world is booming with activity and new innovations. You can’t go anywhere without seeing someone talking about a new cryptocurrency making its way on the internet. Especially Twitter is one of those social media platforms where the topic is discussed broadly, with new crypto influencers popping up all the time and related hashtags being in the trends.


The idea of owning something that was once just on your screen has captivated the public’s attention. NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, have been one recent trend sweeping across social media platforms, including Twitter, where they’ve made several headlines over time.


The recent developments between Russia and Ukraine have been a hot topic on the internet for some time now. With all of these new tweets about politics, there’s no lack of conversation on Twitter putting related hashtags to the trending section all the time!

While viral events and movements are popular on Twitter, other more generic and less particular hashtags may be more permanent and thus appear on trending pages more often. What specific hashtags are most likely to help you get a following on the site and attract attention to your tweets? 

While we were discussing how to utilize hashtags on Twitter, here’s a list of some popular ones that might be perfect for your next post: 

  • #fitness#science #influencermarketing#MondayMotivation#competition#influencer#tbt#goals#vegan#fintech

Hashtags are the way to be on social media. Learning How to see trending hashtags on Twitter will allow you and your messages to reach a much wider audience while also helping them stand out from other brands that may have similar interests as yours! Make sure you use relevant hashtags when posting on Twitter, so people will see what matters most about your business.

The key to using trending hashtags on Twitter is knowing when they’re most effective. The proper techniques and tools will help you get creative with your efforts, so make sure not to miss out on this opportunity!

Karina Gandola was born and raised outside the city of Charleston, in the beautiful mountain state of West Virginia. Karina loves writing about the influencer marketing space and an area she is passionate about. She considers her faith and family to be most important to her. If she isn’t spending time with her friends and family, you can almost always find her around her sweet yellow Labrador retriever, Poshna.

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