The Internet is an essential component of our daily routine these days, so it comes with responsibilities that we may not be aware of.

It’s worth asking this fundamental question: Why would you want to know “How to get someone’s IP address on Instagram” in the first place?

It’s critical to know the user’s genuine IP address. This guide can help you in a few steps. Keep reading!

What is the Instagram IP address founder?

Many use the platform to promote their brand to a broader audience; some use it to make money, while others use it to connect with friends.

Since Instagram doesn’t share the IP Address of its users, you need to rummage through the Internet to find a verified website with a specific tool for tracking an IP Address. 

The Instagram IP address founder is a tool that allows you to find the IP address of any Instagram user. In addition, through the IP Address, you can also track the location of Instagram users. 

The great thing about this tool is that it doesn’t require downloading third-party applications. 

How to find someone’s IP address on Instagram?

Once you know all of Instagram’s methods for finding a person’s IP address, you’ll be astonished at how straightforward it is. 

1. Use the Grabify IP logger website

With some simple skills, you can find an IP address of a person. You need to: 

  • Open Instagram,
  • In search, type the profile whose IP address you want to track.
  • Once you’ve opened the account- click on the three dots in the top right corner, next to the username.
  • Select “Copy Profile URL“.
  • Go to the Grabify IP logger website or other Instagram account finder websites (most of them work in the same way)
  • Paste the link in the box and click on “Create URL.”
  • Generate an IP tracking link, and copy it.
  • Initiate a convo with the person whose URL you’ve copied, stay in contact for some time, then send them the link and ask them to click on it.
  • Refresh the page on the logger website, and, Grabify has the person’s IP address.
  • From here on out, you can find more details about your targeted person.

If you are interested in the person’s location, name, etc., you can use the IP tracker address location option.

  • Go to the IP tracker.
  • Open the IP tracker option.
  • Paste the IP you got from the logger sites.
  • That’s it. Now you’ve got access to some specific information about the person.

2. Use the iStaunch

Besides using Grabify IP logger, there is another way how to get an IP address. Using iStaunch is a bit simpler and easier than the Grabify IP logger website, since it doesn’t require a lot of steps. Here’s what you need to do: 

  • Open the Instagram Location Tracker by iStaunch on your mobile device, either on your Android or iPhone device.
  • Type the username of the targeted person.
  • Tap on Find IP Address.
  • iStaunch will generate the IP address of the targeted person’s Instagram account.

Why should you find an IP address from Instagram?

Let’s see why you should use an Instagram IP finder to find someone who already uses Instagram. Mainly, it would help if you had IP tracking because of the following:

Further Read:

  • TikTok vs Instagram: What Marketers Should Know in 2022

  • How to Speed up a Video on Instagram?

  • 50+ Instagram Captions For Selfies and Photos You’ll Want to Use

  • What Does DP Mean in Social Media? A 2022 Guide

  • Stop blackmail and harassment

When people are behind the screen, they feel more powerful in spreading hate speech. For example, let’s say a person opened a fake account to blackmail or harass you. Suppose you would like to know who that person is and try to find out the location of someone who’s been sending harassing or threatening messages – the only way is to track the IP address location. By finding their IP address, you can then take appropriate action.

  • To protect yourself from identity theft

Identity theft is more frequent among influencers. Of the total 286,607 scam reports filed in Australia in 2021, 71,299 were filed about phishing scams.

For example, if you have a big Instagram audience, you’ve undoubtedly encountered individuals creating Instagram accounts with your name only to profit from it. Or you may observe a suspicious login attempt on your account. As a result, tracing their IP addresses is an excellent method of identifying potential ID thieves.If you have started as an entrepreneur on Instagram, you might use an IP finder to:

  • Keep track of your customers

On Instagram, IP addresses are not only used to expose people who have done something unethical. If you just opened a business account, find the Instagram IP address of your clients to serve your best interests. It makes promoting items more straightforward.

  • Stop the rumours

If you are a business owner trying to make its mark on Instagram, you are likely to have false rumours about your brand. It’s completely legit to track down the IP address of accounts that try to bring you down by posting bad reviews on the products you try to promote. Expose them by showing them that you know their IP to stop them from spreading rumours. 

The only way to find the culprit in each situation is to track them down. 

Bottom line

Here, we answered how to find someone’s IP address on Instagram. As we said, there are a few reasons you might want to find an Instagram user’s IP address. Whatever the reason, you can use a few methods to find an IP address on Instagram. We hope this guide was helpful.

1. What is the difference between a proxy and a VPN?

The main difference between a proxy and a VPN is that a VPN completely encrypts the data you send and receive while a proxy fails.

2. How to keep your IP address from being tracked?

You can either use a VPN or a Proxy to defend yourself against someone attempting to gain access to your IP address.

3. Can you track the IP address of a deleted Instagram account?

While the guide answers the question of finding someone’s IP address on Instagram, you must also understand that you can track the IP address of a deleted Instagram account.