The players in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 are excited about a new mission which is “Make Contact”. A lot of players are playing this mission but due to some reasons, they are either lost somewhere that what they have to do or they are not understanding the method to complete it. It is because the instructions that are being displayed on the screen during the mission are kind of manipulative and do not depict a simple meaning.

A lot of players are still trying to figure out how they will Ping Contract Phone in Warzone 2 whereas many players are searching for a well-prepared guide which can help them in understanding the mission. So, we are here with it. In this guide, we will list the steps through which you will be easily able to understand how you will Ping Contract Phone and how can you complete this mission.

How to Find Ping Contract Phone in Warzone 2 DMZ

The players will need to Ping Contract Phone in Warzone 2 to complete the Make Contact mission. When you will Ping Contract Phone, then you will be able to complete the Make Contact Mission as well as you will be able to get heavy rewards and level up your stats. To complete this mission, the players will need to follow the steps which are listed below.

  • Once you have entered the mission, then open the Tac Map.
  • After opening the Tac Map, start zooming into it. Make sure to zoom in till the last point.
  • Once you have zoomed in enough, then you will be able to see a green telephone icon.
  • When you have found the telephone icon, then look for the closest one.
  • After it, click on the icon and you have successfully pinged Contract Phone.
  • That’s it. You’re done.

An important thing that you should keep in mind is that whenever you are zooming in on the map or going to ping the Contract Phone, then the AI enemies will come to kill you. Thus, you will have to kill them. You have to do this until you kill all the enemies. Once you are done with it, then Ping the Contract Phone and complete the mission.

Wrapping Up

Call of Duty Warzone 2 is getting more interesting because of the DMZ Mode. In the DMZ Mode, a lot of interesting missions are added daily just like the “Make Contact Mission”. We also know that the players love to play this kind of mission. However, many players were unable to complete the Ping Contract Phone because of the short instructions that were being shown during the mission. But, we have elaborated the method in this guide through which you can easily complete this mission. Read it carefully and start completing the mission.

That’s All For Today. See You in The Next One.