Many people love Telegram as they find it more convenient and secure. Besides, you can interact with people globally, and finding your friends or random people on Instagram is straightforward. It could be you know someone’s username or want to see If there is anyone near your location whom you can add as a friend on Telegram. Whatever your reason for wanting to find people on Instagram, we have easy steps for finding people on Telegram.

We will begin by understanding why you may want to find people on Telegram. Afterward, we will see the various ways of finding people on Telegram, and from the listed options, you can find the one that suits you best.

Why Find People on Telegram?

Telegram has millions of users, and for someone new to the platform, you may be interested in interacting with others. It could be you want to find someone who is not on your contacts, but you have their Telegram username. In that case, you must search for the person on Telegram.

  • Why Find People on Telegram?How To Find People on TelegramFinding People on Telegram Using Username or Their NamesFinding People on Telegram Using a BotFinding Nearby People on TelegramConclusionFrequently Asked Questions

Besides, more users keep joining Telegram, and for someone looking to get more Telegram followers, you may find people’s Telegram names and want to connect with them. Also, you could want to message a specific person on Telegram that you saw on another platform or connect with a famous person. In that case, you can search for them on Telegram and message them.

How To Find People on Telegram

Are you looking for someone specific on Telegram? Or maybe you want to find random people? Either way, the methods below got your back.

Finding People on Telegram Using Username or Their Names

If you know someone’s username or name, you can use it to find them on Telegram. When their profile comes up, you can message them by clicking on it to open the chat window. Follow the steps below.

  • Open the Telegram app on your desktop or mobile phone.For mobile phones, click the search icon at the top.For the desktop, tap the search box at the top.Enter the username of the target person.If their profile comes up, click on it.The chat window will open, and you can message them to interact with them.

This method works best when you know your target person’s exact name or username or when you can identify their profile from the search results. Otherwise, you may get multiple search results and find it hard to find your target person.

Finding People on Telegram Using a Bot

Telegram has simplified finding people on Telegram by introducing a Telegram Friends bot. With this bot, you can conveniently find new Telegram friends.

Here’s how to use the bot to find people on Telegram.

  • Click here to visit the bot page.Tap the option for opening the bot in Telegram.The bot will open on your Telegram app.Tap the Start button to launch it.The bot will guide you in finding new friends and sending them messages.

By following the bot’s instructions, you will manage to find new people on Telegram.

Finding Nearby People on Telegram

Telegram offers the people nearby feature that lets people nearby and those using Telegram detect each other. The feature allows you to find people near your location, and you can follow the guide below to use the feature.

  • Open the Telegram app on your phone.Open the Menu by tapping the three lines at the top.Tap on Contacts.Click the “Find People Nearby” button.Next, click the Make Myself Visible option.You will be prompted to allow Telegram access to your device’s location. Click Ok.

That’s it. Telegram will list the people near you. It will display their distance, and you can find people to interact with using this method.

When you suspect people are using Telegram near you and want to interact with them without physically meeting them, using the people nearby feature will get the job done.


We’ve seen the various ways of finding people on Telegram. You can select the method that best suits you and use it to find people on Telegram.

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