Stranded Deep is one of the most popular survival indie games out there. The game has been in Early Access for almost about 5 years now on Steam. The game was set to come out of Early Access back in 2019 itself but the game’s success compelled them to keep adding more content. The game was being published by Telltale Games, but when the company shutdown Beam Team decided to get the publishing rights and bring the game to the PS4.

Finally, after 5 years of its Steam launch, Stranded Deep is now available on the PS4 as well. If you have been playing the game, you might have come across something called “lashings”. If you are wondering how to get lashings in Stranded Deep, don’t worry. Here is a complete guide on how to get Lashing Material in Stranded Deep.

How to Find Lashing Material In Stranded Deep?

Lashing Material is one of the most frequently used materials in Stranded Deep. If you have played the game, then you must have noticed that the lashing is required in a lot of recipes. Even if you want to cure poison, lashing is required. That makes it one of the most important materials in the game. If you want a quick way to get lashing material, follow the steps given below:

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1. Make Sure You Have the Stone Tool

This is a must if you want to get lashing. Before you can get lashings, you should ensure that you have the stone tool. If you don’t have the stone tool, a stone knife would do the trick too. In short, you need a cutting tool. If you don’t have a stone tool, first find a simple stone. That can be found lying on the ground. Pick it up and open your crafting menu. Once you are in the crafting menu create a stone tool on the menu.

2. Use the Stone tool to cut a Small Palm Tree

Once you have a cutting tool, you need to find small palm sapling and yucca trees. The trees can be found in the jungles. Palm saplings are about a foot or two tall and look like very small spikey bushes. Secondly, yucca trees are about six feet tall and look like tall spears.

Once you find the trees, you must bring the cutting tool to action. A single chop from the cutting tool can get you a leaf of the small palm sapling, while the same will take ten chops if there is a yucca tree. Finally, you need four of these leaves to craft the lashing.

3. Craft the Lashing Material

Once you have the leaves, you are all set to craft the lashing. Go back to the crafting menu and you will be able to create one lashing using four leaves. You will be able to get lashing this way. When you are collecting leaves, make sure you collect enough of them depending on the number of lashings you need and keeping in mind that each lashing takes four leaves.

That’s all you need to know about getting lashing in Stranded Deep. If you need any other help regarding the game or any other game do let us know in the comments section below and we will be happy to help you out.