BitLife features a ton of interesting mini-games and the fact that they even implement real-life elements into each game makes things even better. You need to face consequences for your acts just like you face them in real life. For instance, if you commit any crime like theft, robbery, etc, you might have to go to prison as well. Moreover, based on the severity of your crime, you will be receiving your punishments. So, in case you have committed a bigger crime, you might even end up in the prison forever.

But here’s the catch. Just like real life, BitLife also leaves you with two choices. You can either compromise and accept prison for the rest of your life or simply make effort to escape Bitlife Prison. Escaping prison in Bitlife is truly an art since the different prisons come with different security levels. But if you are stuck in some prison and looking forward to getting out of there, then check out this article to find out the best possible ways to escape any prison in Bitlife.

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How To Escape From Bitlife Prison (January 2023)?

Bitlife features various prison layouts starting from 3×4 to 8×8. A 3×4 being the easiest prison layout holds the minimum level of security while 8×8 prisons feature the highest security level. Apart from that, there is a security guard too who makes two moves for every single move you make. But again, the catch here is he makes each move toward you with the intention to catch you. However, he will first be moving in the horizontal direction only, and that is what you need to leverage in order to escape.

In case, you are caught by the security guard, it will simply add a few more years of imprisonment. Therefore, you cannot take the risk of that and need to make each move very precisely. This guide will show you how to deal with everything and make your way out of there.

Minimum To Medium Security Prisons Layout

Here are all the minimum and medium-security level prisons along with the steps to escape Bitlife Prison for real.

3×4 Prison Map

Since the security guard makes every move to catch you, the basic idea is to leverage his horizontal moves and get him to the blockade. Now, a 3×4 prison layout looks something like this:

In this case, you need to make your first move by one block toward your left, then again move right and repeat both steps one more time. This way you will finally be able to trap the guard within the walls.

And once he is trapped within the walls, simply make your move towards the exit point to escape Bitlife prison.

3×5 Prison Map

In the 3×5 prison layout, make your first move toward the right. Followed by that, get one step down and move one block to the left. This will trap the guard by the wall.

Next, you need to move a block down, then left, and head out of the escape way.

4×4 Prison Map

To escape from a 4×4 prison map, start from your initial position and move towards the leftmost block and then go to the top left block. Once you reach there, move down by a single block and this shall trap the guard by the walls.


Now, simply go all the way down then move to the rightmost block and go for the escape block at last.

4×4 Second Map

The second map is a bit trickier than the first 4×4 map. However, if you follow as we say, it’s going to be a one-way win for you. Firstly, get one block down from your initial position, then take the leftmost block and go to the bottom.

Next, move one block up, then take right and repeat them once more. By now you will see that the guard will be trapped between the walls.

Now, take the easy route toward the exit point.

4×4 Third Map

In the third map, start from your initial position and move one step towards the left. Then move one block up and go all the way to the bottom-left block. After that, move to the top-left block and move two blocks to the right. Again step back one block to the left and again to the right and this will trap the guard.

Now, simply go one step right and take the exit point straightforwardly.

5×4 Prison Map

The 5×4 prison layout is comparatively an easier one. All you need to do is move to the top-right block and then move two blocks down.

Now, take a step left and head out of the escape route.

5×5 Prison Map

From here onwards, things are going to get a bit tricky as these prisons will include more steps, so it might be confusing. However, if you simply put some focus, you shall easily escape this Bitlife Prison too. In the 5×5 prison layout, your first motive should be to get out of all the blockades yourself.

Therefore, first, take a step down, then take left, again up, left, and then move one block down and left. Now, go straight up through the blockade and two blocks to the right. Next, move a step up, again come down, and go back to your initial place once again.

now, get out of the same way and head out directly for the escape block while the guard is still trapped.

5×6 Prison Map

In this layout, start from your initial position and go all the way to the bottom-left and then climb up to the top-left block. next, move to the top-right block and take a step down, then left and again down.

Now, go one block upwards, then right, and again move back to the top-left block. Come down to the bottom-left block again and take one step right. With this step, the guard will be trapped in the walls.

Move freely two blocks right and go to the escape block.

5×7 Prison Map

In the 5×7 prison layout as well, you need to repeat a few steps twice to safely escape Bitlife prison without getting caught by the guard. Here, as you start from the initial point, move two blocks up and then take left. Again, move two blocks upwards and move to the top-right block. From there move two blocks downwards and take a step back to one block up, move one step to the left, and go up and move four blocks to the left.

Now, take two blocks downwards and move one block to the left and again one down. Next, climb up one block and the guard will be trapped then. From here, you can move all the way to the top and then to the right. Step three blocks downwards and two blocks towards the left and simply follow the path to the escape block.

5×7 Second Map

Just like the first 5×7 map, you need to repeat the same process here as well. Initially, move down to the bottom-right block and take a step left. Now, move up, left, and again up and left. Come down by one block and take the shortest way to the bottom-left block.

Here, move one block up and again come down and go two blocks upwards. Take a right and go up by two blocks and move one step towards the right. Come down two blocks and again take a right and take one step back to the left. Move two blocks up and go to the top left block to trap the guard.

Once the guard is trapped, take two blocks right then down, again two blocks right and one down. Now, follow the rest of the path straight to the escape block.

6×5 Prison Map

The 6×5 prison layout is the same as that of the 5×6. Therefore, you can refer to the same steps mentioned there to complete this Bitlife prison escape as well.

6×6 Prison Map

As mentioned earlier, as the number of blocks increases so would the number of steps, and escaping the prison would get challenging. But worry not, if you have reached here, we will guide you with the rest of the journey as well.

In the 6×6 prison layout, you need to start by one block to the left then down, and then take one block right and go all the way to the bottom-right block. From there, maintain the path and move to the top-left block.

Again move through the boundary blocks all the way back to the bottom-right block. Now, move four blocks upwards, take a left and again go one block upward. Come down one block, take a right and follow the boundary block to reach the bottom right, take a step left and again right. Again take one step to the left, move two blocks upwards, take left by two blocks, move up, and two more blocks to the left.

Now, come down to the bottom-left block and climb back three blocks. Move two blocks towards the right then climb up to get to the escape block finally.

6×6 Second Map

The second map layout is pretty much similar to that of the first one. However, it’s actually much easier than the first map to escape from this layout.

Take your initial step by moving one block to the left. Then make your move one block up, then left, and again to the right. Now take the route to reach the top-right block and come down by four blocks, take a left, then down, and follow the bottom boundary blocks all the way to the wall on your way.

Next, climb two blocks up, take a left and again go one block upward and back down. Again move one block to the right, take two steps down, and again to the right. Take a step back to left and move three blocks to the right. By now, you will find the guard is trapped. Move up and take a right, climb up two more blocks and move four blocks to the left. And there you go, just follow the way to the exit block to escape Bitlife prison.

7×4 Prison Map

The 7×4 map is the last mid-level prison map in Bitlife. All the ones after this fall under the advanced category. But that doesn’t make it any harder to complete this prison escape. In fact, it is one of the easiest ones you will find among all Bitlife prison escape games.

Starting from your initial position, just keep moving right until you reach the boundary. Then climb up one block and come down by three blocks and simply take a left. By now, the guard will already get blocked by the walls. And you are all free to move to the exit block and escape the prison successfully.

Maximum Security Level Prison Layout

Now that you have come through all the minimum and medium-level prison escapes, you must have already got hold of the things. Therefore, now it is time for us to get into the maximum security level prisons to breach their security and make a successful escape.

8×7 Prison Map

Getting off with our first maximum security level prison layout, we have the 8×7 prison. Compared to the ones we have escaped so far, these maps are going to get bigger and more complex. As a result, they include more steps than ever to successfully escape from prison.

In the beginning, come down from your initial place by three blocks, take a step right again come back left. Again, take two steps to the right, then get two blocks downward, take another right, and get one more step down.

Now, take four steps to the left and climb up all the way by five steps, take a step left, then go up one block. Come down to the bottom-left corner, move six blocks to the right and go back one block to the left. Climb up one block and take two steps to the left and take a step down and back up.

Finally, take one block to the right, move up two steps, take another two steps to the right, and go one block upward. Take another left, go two steps upward, and through the boundary blocks, head out directly for the exit block.

8×8 Prison Map

As you get started with the 8×8, you will be at the largest prison map so far. Hence, you can expect quite some rational thinking to get out of this prison layout. In the beginning, start moving one block to the right, then take two steps up and turn left. Again take a step up and move left by one block and back to right. Now, come down a step, move one block to the right, and two more steps down.

Take a right and climb up all the way to the top. Move one block to right, come six blocks downwards, and step back two blocks upwards. Again take two steps to the right, turn upwards, again right, and up. Follow the zig-zag pattern by taking a left, moving up, taking a right, up, and four blocks to the left.

Come down five blocks at once, take a left, move one block up, again take a left, and move up three blocks straight. Take another left and move to the top-left block. Now, follow the path to get out of the walls by coming down one block and taking a right, again three blocks down, right, and one block down.

From there, take a step to the right, then go down, and you will notice the guard will be one block away from you. Simply take three steps to the left and proceed to the exit block and make a successful escape.


Escaping a prison looks pretty simple in the beginning. However, it is not as easy as it looks. Once, you have escaped Bitlife prisons with the minimum level of security, you will slowly start to notice the sudden change in the difficulty level of the game. Although a lot of players make their escape route by counting the distance between them and the guard, it isn’t always an effective solution.

Therefore, if you want to make these escapes a piece of cake, this article will thoroughly guide you through every step making it easier for you to make successful prison escapes quickly. Let us know if you have an even better strategy to escape from these prisons or if you have any other queries as well.