Download YouTube Content with Dripy

Find the YouTube video (or song within the video) that you want to download, and then copy the URL in the address bar. Note: Some videos such as those hosted with Vevo may not be available for download.

Step 2

Go to and paste in the URL of the YouTube page with the song or video you want to download. Click the “dirpy!” button to continue.

Step 3

Dirpy will scan the YouTube page you entered and bring up whatever information is readable. This will include different quality versions available, filename, ID3 tags (metadata), and other available information. Here you have a few different options:

Change the file nameSave audio as an mp3 fileThere are even more options available for mp3 files.Save the video as an mp4 or Flv file.

If you want to download the video, click one of the video download links. Don’t get too excited about video quality though, 360p isn’t exactly great. If you want to download a song, I highly recommend editing the ID3 Tag Data before downloading it. For an explanation on ID3 Tag Data, see the bottom of this article.

What is ID3 Tag Data?

When you load a song up in iTunes, it tells you the Artist’s name, song title, album, year, etc.… iTunes isn’t performing a magic trick. In the .mp3 file, ID3 Tag Data stores all of the information that you will need. If you want to easily find the song later after transferring it to a mobile device, you better be sure the ID3 data is accurate. Unfortunately, most songs on YouTube have either false or completely blank tag data. Lucky for us, the Dirpy team thought ahead and knew that we’d likely be putting these songs on our iPods. The data entry itself is really self-explanatory so that I won’t go into a detailed explanation, but the part that can be confusing is the filename. The filename is completely separate from the tag data; this is especially true for iOS devices. Apple doesn’t even look at the file name when it organizes your songs, so you can literally name the file whatever you like as long as your ID3 tag data is correct.


If you want to download a YouTube video or song, Dirpy can do it. I’ve seen many online services that claim they can download YouTube videos and a few like Jdownloader, which we’ve reviewed in the past. With those alternatives in mind, Dirpy has them beat hands down. It converts files to mp3 on the fly, and it also gives you nearly all of the different formats options available for download rather than just an FLV file. The service is completely free, and for a nice change, it isn’t ridden with annoying ads or pop-ups; it’s clean. But is there also a way to cut a piece from the audio part in a youtube movie, and that part of about 2 seconds copy and paste and paste and paste, each time with about one second in between, to make a ringtone out of it? Please contact the creators of Dirpy at the following email address: and kindly request of them to reconsider their reasons for taking Dirpy offline. As others here on GroovyPost have been keen enough to observe, Dirpy WAS indeed a great method to convert YouTube audio tracks into .mp3’s for your own listening pleasure. Please read the email that I sent to the founders of Dirpy a few days ago when I learned that they had shut down the Dirpy website. Also, I have been racking my brain here with regard to locating another YouTube to .mp3 converter that allows the user to edit the begin / end times of .mp3 tracks (especially helpful when a track had irrelevant noise, commercials, etc. at the begining of the YouTube videos). Thanks everyone. Sincerely, trollcrusher To: Re: ” The Discontinuation Of Dirpy :-( ” Saturday, November 13th, 2010 Hello Dirpy (founder? / creator? / designer? to whom it may concern?) … I have to echo your “great heaviness in our hearts” statement that you posted for users of your Dirpy YouTube to .mp3 converter service. I, (and I am more than sure a HUGE segment of YouTube viewers), am really saddened by your decision to shut down Dirpy. I clicked on my bookmark for Dirpy a few moments ago in order to convert a particular song that I liked to .mp3 format, only to be shocked to learn that the service was shut down. Quite shocked actually … like somebody knocked the wind out of me. Your site was one in which I used on a regular basis after discovering it by accident several months ago. I watched how you changed the design / logo / layout into a very aesthetically pleasing website. The use of a simple black background coupled with the neon-coloured text and the modern Dirpy logo made it a welcome “sight” for user’s eyes that are constantly bombarded by the use of the ubiquitous white background / cluttered text / etc. which has been incorporated into the layout of the majority of websites that a Internet user encounters during their time spent online. The same sentiment / compliments can be applied to the easy-to-use layout of the Dirpy converter. Once again, aesthetically pleasing layout, ease of use, incorporation of the image of the video which the user is converting, and (in my opinion, the best of all) being able to modify the start / stop portions of the YouTube video’s audio track. This was such a fantastic tool that allowed the Dirpy user to work around possible lengthy lead-in times / extraneous commentary / truncated video & audio segments / etc., with ease and resulted in an end product with which the user would be most pleased with. If at all possible, I would love for the Dirpy team to leave up a simple version of the site -OR- at least design a Dirpy “Add-On” for Firefox Internet Browser users. Would blow the rest of them out of the water. If this fails to materialize, would / could you please suggest another website that you would use to conduct the YouTube to .mp3 conversion process, if hypothetically, Dirpy were to sort of hand off the crown to the next-in-line .mp3 converter program / service that would meet the Dirpy seal of approval. I’d love for Dirpy to reconsider taking the site offline, but I shall respect your decision to do so. Once again, there are A LOT of people out here in cyberspace who really appreciated the Dirpy design and concept. Thank you for sharing your vision / creative ability with the rest of us who enjoy listening to the broad range of music / spoken word / tutorials that you made available to us for downloading as .mp3’s via your product. Thank you for your time and I sincerely wish you the best in both your current and future endeavours. Take care, trollcrusher That could be a distinct possibility, however, with the proliferation of other subpar YouTube to .mp3 converters out there (in comparison to the ease of use of the Dirpy converter), I don’t see why the other sites have caved into the possible pressure from Google as well. Could also be a tactic of the type “cut off the head and the tail dies” strategy. A warning shot across the bow. Who knows? I have a feeling that this may have more to do with finances $$$. Possibly the fees for keeping the site alive, severs, etc. (stuff of which I have little knowledge of with regard to the “gears and levers” behind the scenes which keep the Internet running smoothly), is what dealt the death blow to the site. ;-) As I stated in my email to them, I would love for them to reconsider their decision. Even if they decided not to revive the Dirpy site, I think that if they created an add-on for Firefox users, it would grow exponentially. They could request donations ($5 – $10 range) which may just cover the cost of its development and longevity. I think that there would be a base of users who would jump at the chance (I for one). The bummer is that the site was shut down so abruptly. Like overnight. I had just used the site a few days prior to it going offline, and in the interim, I had even recommended it to a neighbor to use. Gave him the URL, and briefly explained the process for converting. I access the site a day or two later, only to find to my chagrin, that the site is no more. :-( On a final note here, I did send Dirpy a copy of the Groovy Post’s article on the Dirpy converter website (which you and I are currently reading). Hopefully this will tug at their heartstrings and get them to reverse their decision to deep six the Dirpy site. If you (and others reading this) could, please send them a brief email with your sentiments about the closure of the site and your opinion / experiences with using it. Dirpy’s email address is: OK, thanks everyone for taking the time to read my rather lengthy reply / comments here. I do appreciate your feedback. Best wishes, trollcrusher :-) That is why is so useful. It is a meta-site that links to multiple downloading and converting sites and stays updated with what is working and what is not. That way you never get caught off guard when your favorite site goes down. Deturl is much more than a simple directory though. It works very much like a downloading site, but lets the 3rd party sites do the heavy lifting so to speak. That way it is never at risk of going down for technical or legal reasons. You enter the URL (or use the bookmarklet) just like on similar sites, and then get links to the download. The only difference is that there is 1 extra click involved. However, with just a few clicks, you could, if you wanted to, download the video or MP3 file through a dozen different sites at once. In fact, up until it went down, Dirpy was the 1st download link on Deturl, because, admittedly, it was the best. After reading the comment by “deturl” above, I went ahead and decided to peruse the deturl site. I found what I think to be an almost carbon copy of what the Dirpy site was (sans the ability to show an image of the YouTube video which is to be downloaded), by the name of “” [with a subtag of “Free Online Media Conversion”] in that it allows the user to:

  1. Designate the begin and end times of the YouTube to .mp3 conversion process (with regard to the audio track length – shorten it / remove a lengthy intro / etc.).
  2. Allows the user to choose the Conversion Format of their choice (MP3, AAC, WMA, M4A, OGG, MP4, 3GP, AVI, MPG, WMV, and FLV formats).
  3. Conversion Options such as: a. Audio Volume ( -1 / Original Volume / +1 ) b. Audio Channels ( Mono / Stereo ) c. Audio Bitrate ( From 32 kbps all the way up to 320 kbps ) d. Convert From (Choice of Start / Stop / user’s Custom Time settings ) e. Use ID3 v2 Tags ( Either ON or OFF ) ______________________________ CLIP CONVERTER (Main Page): ______________________________ CLIP CONVERTER (Browser Add-On for Firefox and Chrome Browsers): ______________________________ ClipConverter is a free online media conversion application, which allows you to convert nearly any audio or video URL to common formats. Currently supported services: Direct Download YouTube (HQ and HD) Google Video Sevenload MySpace Dailymotion (HQ) Vimeo (HQ) Metacafe MyVideo YouPorn Pornhub Veoh This free and fast converter allows you to watch your favorite YouTube videos on your cell phone, PSP, iPhone or nearly any other device. A final note here from trollcrusher … me thinks that upon further investigation / hunches, that this site may somehow have a tie-in or affiliation with the Dirpy site and/or the developers thereof. The ClipConverter site just has a look and feel similar to the Dirpy site in that everything is stripped down and aesthetically pleasing to the user’s eye. No ads. No visual pollution. Nothing to be distracted by. Plus (in my book at least) it has the easy-on-the-eyes BLACK background (Oh Yeah!) and some nice little Flash animation bells and whistles with regard to the buttons / etc. Do enjoy! Take care, trollcrusher ;-) Not affiliated in any way whatsoever with the ClipConverter site or the German company that designed it (known as “”). Nada. If you’ll take a gander over on the ClipConverter Facebook page (link provided below) you’ll see that with the untimely demise of Dirpy, other like-minded individuals have gravitated to the ClipConverter camp within the last several days. The reviews look promising. But once again, no, I am not affiliated with the site or anyone else for that matter. Just sort of looking out for other people who really got a kick out of the Dirpy converter and appreciated its ease of use and aesthetic design. Sort of keeping in step with the school of Bauhaus mantra “Form Follows Function”. And to me (at least), the ClipConverter site seems to be providing that (and more). What drew me to groovyPost in the first place was the extremely well done post you did about Dirpy and how to use it. Simple. To the point. And best of all … with easy to understand illustrations. Way cool. And with that introduction to groovyPost, I perused around a bit more on the site and found that rather than the post about the Dirpy converter being the exception, it was the rule here on the site (with regard to how well it was presented). Hence my signing up on the Forum here. Glad to have found this site. OK, gonna scoot. Best wishes, trollcrusher ;-) You’ll have to pardon my “intensity” or “obsessiveness” (so to speak) with the info that I’ve posted here on this thread. I am a bit of an info fanatic and prefer to have things spelled out so that anyone from a clod of dirt to a brain surgeon will be able to follow them without having to ask twice … hence, the bit of overkill on the description of the ClipConverter site. Who knows, if you get time, maybe a review of that site here on groovyPost will supercede the one about the (now deceased) Dirpy site. Wouldn’t hurt, and with your eye for graphic design layout, I think it’d be a sinch. But yeah, you’ll have to excuse my gung-ho intensity. Take care, trollcrusher :-) That is why you should try to use Deturl as your path into ClipConverter. Also, because it offers a lot more than ClipConverter offers alone, and its super-duper easy, fast, and convenient when combined with its bookmarklet. Its pretty awesome: Comment