By default, conversation view is enabled for all Gmail accounts. Conversation view organizes related emails that share the same subject and time range into groups. These groups of emails become threaded to see the history of the conversation easily; if you were wondering what inspired Google Wave… this was it!

Anyhow, once the conversation view is disabled, your emails will go back to the plain-jane confusing format that everyone was used to in 1998. But – that might be what you like or need. For example, when someone leaves a comment on a groovyPost, I get an email immediately, and Gmail tends to group them a little weird, so conversation view off actually makes it easier to read them. It’s straightforward to change; let’s look at it.

How To Turn Off Conversation Grouped Emails In Gmail

Step 1

In Gmail, click the Settings button to go to the settings page. You should automatically be on the General tab. There scroll down to Conversation View and select Conversation View off.


Now conversation view should be off! For me, I rarely delete anything anymore with my gmail account. I try to just organize things using Filters and Labels. So far, works good for me. Your posting will save me many hours over the course of a year. THANK YOU I have to use archaic HTML, and some very ugly embedded tables. What really puzzles me is that I need to spec and then use and , at least that is the workaround I hit on and haven’t time to fine tune. At least it works and both T-bird and Gmail display my code more or less as I want. Thanks again for this site. Next time you visit a free help website, perhaps you might consider a bit of restraint in your comments, and show some appreciation for the freely given tip, while you exhibit a bit less churlishness! And if you can’t tweak the settings in HTML view, why not try logging in via the connection at your local Library or over a friend’s broadband to get into the settings and make the change? The settings will “stick”. Don’t know what Mr. Groovy’s billing rate is in his “day job”, but I just gave you $20 of MY time!!! It’s people like you limerockcodger that keep me going! thnx. -MrGroove THE REASON WHY SOME OF US do not like the conversation thread (on our smartphones) is for security reasons: I have a webcam that sends an automated email notification, with 5-second video snippet, whenever something “trips” my security camera. Since the SUBJECT HEADING is always the same (ie:”garage secuity cam 04 alert”)… my Andriod phone with GMail will only notify me “one time” only… even if there are repeated/threaded security cam alert emails. UNTIL GMAIL UNDERSTANDS WHY SOME OF US NEED a ON/OFF funtionality for threaded conversations (for smartphones too… not just desktop email apps), I’ll use another smartphone email app!!! Comment