We have numerous direct messaging applications that use our mobile data or WiFi data connection for delivering messages. These apps have become more advanced as in, now you can easily send any document, image, or video files over to the other person. One of the most prominent instant messaging services is Telegram. However, there are certain features that Telegram offers which are yet to come up on WhatsApp like the dark mode which has been there for so long in Telegram but the stable WhatsApp update is yet to feature it.

Telegram has always come on top and moreover, it also offers to join any group of your choice, unlike WhatsApp. But, there is one big privacy concern that whenever anyone forwards your message, it tags along a link back to your account. And in this post, we will share with you a guide on how to disable forwarding the Telegram account link in messages. So, without any further ado, let us get straight into the article itself:

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Now, tagging a link back to your account has its benefits. For starters, if you have shared any important information then, you will get the due credit for it as every time someone forwards your message, it will link back your account. However, it can also reach the users whom you do not know and that would give them access to your information on your profile. So, follow the steps below if to disable forwarding your account link:

By following the above steps you can easily disable your profile’s account link to be forwarded along with your messages when forwarded by some else. So, there you have it from my side in this post. I hope you liked this post and followed the simple steps mentioned above. Let us know in the comments below if you come across any issues while following the above-mentioned methods. Until the next post…Cheers!

  • Firstly, go to the Telegram app on your device and tap on the hamburger menu.

  • Then, tap on Settings and head over to Privacy and Security section.

  • Inside it, go to the Forwarded Messages section.

  • Now, in order to disable your account’s link in forwarded messages, you will be presented with three different options to go with:

  • – Everybody

  • – My Contacts

  • – Nobody

  • All the above-mentioned options work as their name suggests.

  • In fact, there is a provision of modifying the rules as well which can be done via the Add exceptions menu.

  • For instance, in Everybody option, you can use the Never Allow exception to block specific individuals from accessing your account’s link. Under Nobody, you can make use of Always Allow exception for some users to always view your profile’s link. However, under the My Contacts option you get both the Always Allow and Never Allow options.

  • Once you are done with your selection confirm and exit.

  • That’s it!

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