Our smartphones are now flooded with instant messaging applications like WhatsApp, Telegram, etc, which led to a drastic decrease in the use of normal text messages. Though, we still use it for transactional messages, OTPs, etc. While the use of normal text messages has gone down, carriers have not stopped sending irritating flash messages. Unlike normal text messages, these appear as a pop-up in the middle of the screen and it does not go away automatically. So, you’ll need to manually remove the flash messages each time it pops up on the screen, which makes it more annoying. Fortunately, there’s a way to turn them off. In this article, we’ll be going through various methods on how to disable flash messages on Android smartphones.

Flash messages, by default, are enabled on every Android smartphone. These type of messages usually contains data balance, offers from advertisers, etc. Manier times the carriers send service activation messages which will deduct some money from your network balance if you opt for the service. The Android phones do not have a direct option in the messaging app to disable the flash messages. But, you can use the SIM toolkit to perform the operation.

On iPhones, the steps to remove flash messages are pretty much the same irrespective of the carrier. But on Android, the methods are slightly different for each carrier. You don’t need to worry as I’ve detailed the steps below for every carrier, be it Airtel, Jio, Vi, or BSNL.

Disable Flash Messages on Airtel

  • Open the Airtel Services app on your Android smartphone.
  • Click on airtel Now!.
  • Select Start/Stop and then tap on Stop.

Congratulations, You have successfully disabled flash messages on your phone.

Disable Flash Messages on Vodafone Idea (Vi)

  • Open the Vodafone Services app on your Android phone.
  • Tap on Activation.
  • Click Deactivate and you are done.

After performing these steps, you’ll no longer receive annoying flash messages.

In case you could not find the Vodafone Services app on your phone, you can use the SMS method. 

For postpaid users:

If you are a Vi postpaid user, type CAN FLASH and send it to 199. 

For prepaid users:

If you are a Vi prepaid user, type CAN FLASH and send it to 144.

Disable Flash Messages on Reliance Jio

The process of disabling flash messages is slightly tricky for Reliance Jio customers. There’s no SIM toolkit for Jio SIMs. So, you can’t use the method discussed above in the case of Jio. You will need to uninstall the My Jio app from your Android phone. Hopefully, it will turn off the flash messages.

If the app uninstallation method does not work, you must contact Jio customer support. They will disable flash messages for your Jio number.

Disable Flash Messages on BSNL

  • Download the BSNL Mobile app on your Android phone.
  • Open the app and click on the BSNL Buzz service.
  • Tap on the Activation option and select Deactivate.
  • Hit the OK button and you are done.

Can You Disable Class 0 Message

Even after disabling the flash messages, they are Class 0 messages if you are still receiving them. Carriers use these to display advertisements in text format. Unfortunately, there’s no way you can disable Class 0 messages from popping up on your screen. But, you can contact customer support for your carrier. They might disable it from the service side.

So, that’s how you can stop flash messages on your Android smartphone. Have you disabled the flash messages on your phone? Which network operator are you using? Do share your thoughts in the comment section below.