Sometimes when you visit a website you’ll see an “Additional plugins are required to display…” notification at the top of Firefox.  Usually it is because you legitimately don’t have the correct plugin to view content on the website (such as Flash player) but other times it may be because the website wants you to install something malicious.  If you’ve chosen not to install Flash or other plugins, you’ll see the “missing plugin” notification all of the time.  So, lets fix that and get rid of the notification.

Step 1

Type about:config into the Firefox address bar. On the humorous “void your warranty” page, Click I’ll be careful, I promise!.

Step 2

In the filter box, Type missing_plugin. Now in the preference list below, Right-Click plugins.hide_infobar_for_missing_plugin and Select Toggle.


Now when you visit a website with a plugin you don’t have installed, Firefox will no longer prompt you with the annoying “missing plugin” bar at the top of it.  On my computer setup I don’t have Flash installed, so this fix comes in handy when viewing websites that have flash-based advertisements and pop-outs.

  1. On Firefox window click on the Firefox button which is at the top left and select Add-ons, or, if the Firefox button is not shown, then click on the Tools menu and click Add-ons. 2. On the Add-on Manager has opened in a new tab, then click the Extensions button on the left side of the window. 3. You get the list of installed extensions on the right side together with buttons on the right side of each extension. 4. For removing an extension from Firefox, simply click the Remove button. You should see a message that informs you about the successful removal of the add-on.
  2. You must navigate your mouse cursor at the top menu and click on Tools option. After this, it will show drop-down list on your PC screen.
  3. In this list, lick on help button and select troubleshooting information.
  4. Now, Click on Reset firefox option to get rid of unwanted programs.
  5. Lastly, click on Ok button to save all settings and restart your Firefox browser.
  6. On Firefox window click on the Firefox button which is at the top left and select Add-ons, or, if the Firefox button is not shown, then click on the Tools menu and click Add-ons. 2. On the Add-on Manager has opened in a new tab, then click the Extensions button on the left side of the window. Comment