Here’s an example of an ad bar in the latest version of uTorrent:

Remove Ads from uTorrent

Launch uTorrent and go to Options > Preferences.

Now in the Preferences screen, click Advanced in the left column. Then on the right side, type: offers in the Filter field. Note: You’re warned not to modify any of these settings, and you shouldn’t unless you know what you’re doing. In this case, if you modify each entry as shown, you’ll have no problems. Then on the right side, type: offers in the Filter field.

Now, highlight each of these entries one at a time and change the value to False by ticking it in the section below:


Now close out of uTorrent and restart it. That’s all there is to it! Now you can enjoy your uTorrent ad-free. Despite what the RIAA, MPAA or other media conglomerates thinks, bittorrent protocol is not just used to pirate music. In fact it’s a good way to distribute podcasts, open source programs, and other digital content that is open-licensed (Creative Commons). Yes, legal torrents which are part of the public domain also exist. Comment