Still, Telegram and Signal have been getting the most traction since the new WhatsApp privacy policies were announced. You might have tried out Telegram but decided it isn’t right for you. And you might be wondering how to delete your account. You can’t do it directly from the app on your phone. You need the app and the Telegram website. So, don’t delete your app just yet. Note: When you delete your account, you will lose all chat messages, groups, channels, secret chats, photos, and more. Make sure to save anything important before deleting your account.

Delete Telegram Account

To get started make sure you’re logged into the Telegram app. Then launch a browser and go to the Telegram Authorization site. Enter your phone number and click Next.

Then a confirmation code will be sent to you through the Telegram app.

Enter the confirmation code sent to the Telegram app and click the Sign In button.

On the following screen, select the Delete account link.

Then the Telegram site will ask if you’re sure that you want to delete your account. Keep in mind that if you delete your account, you may not be able to sign up again for several days. If you are sure, enter in a reason that you are leaving if you want and click the Delete My Account button.

Telegram will give you another shot to stop the deletion of your account. A message will pop up asking if you are sure. Click the Yes, delete my account button.

That’s it! Your Telegram account is now deleted and you will see a green message letting you know that the process was successful.

Now you can delete the Telegram app from your phone and computer if you are also using the desktop app.