Steam is a popular gaming platform for gamers as it provides many games under one roof. But sometimes, we downloaded so many things in our system that there is no space (memory) left for the new or another one. As a gamer, we are not playing all the downloaded games. Also, we spend a lot of money to purchase or some in-game purchases. So the better option is to delete the unused data to clean our system for memory as the games are taking huge spaces. Steam is also one of them that you may want to delete permanently.

Before deleting the Steam permanently, make sure that the games in it will also delete in which you may have some in-games purchased. However, it is one of the easiest ways to free up tons of space in your system. Removing the games on Steam will never let you play again as it is now. However, you may delete the games instead of deleting Steam. Moreover, if you want to delete the Steam from your device permanently, here are methods for almost every device and platform.

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How to Delete Your Steam Account Permanently

Steam is always attracting gamers due to its massive Library of all popular games and some eye-catching sales that make it different from other available Applications. One of the main reasons to delete Steam is running low on space, quitting gaming, or having any privacy concerns, as it is the most highlighted term nowadays. After deleting the account on Steam, the company has no access to your account. Before deleting the Steam account permanently, you can follow the below method and reconsider your decision.

Delete Games from the Steam

Deleting games is the possible solution if you want only to free space on your system. Delete the games that you are not playing anymore is an easy process that is as follows

  • Open the Steam App on your system.
  • Then Navigate to the Library tab from the top corner of the Menu.
  • After that, you will see the list of downloaded games.
  • Next, click on the game and then select the Uninstall option you want to delete from Steam.
  • Repeat the steps for every game that is no longer in use.

Steam will offer an option to download the game again without spending a single penny. The app will save your progress of the game and in-game purchases for the future. So it is better to delete the game instead of deleting the Steam account permanently.

Delete Steam Account

Once you delete the Steam account, you will have no longer be access to your Account in Steam. As the social media account will permanently delete your account, Steam also takes 30 days because if you change your mind and don’t want to delete the account permanently, you may retrieve it back within 30 days.

  • Open the Steam app and log in with your details.
  • Then click on the Support link from the top of the Menu.
  • Now, Scroll down to the My Account option.
  • After that, click on Manage account Details.
  • Next again, please scroll down below to the Delete my Steam account link.
  • Then click on Proceed to Account Deletion.
  • After the step, do not log in again to the Steam within 30 days.

Delete Steam Account From the App

  • Open the Steam app and log in with your details.
  • Click on the drop-down menu available in the top right corner and then click on Account details.
  • Now scroll down below and click on the Delete my Steam Account link.
  • Next, click on Proceed to Account Deletion.
  • After the step, do not log in again to Steam within 30 days.

To stop yourself from logging in again to Steam, you can uninstall the Steam Application from the playroom you are using, like Windows and Mac.

Delete Steam Account On Windows

You can delete the Steam as we uninstall the other app. By delete, you cannot log in to your steam account accidentally as it saves the username and password.

  • Go to the Control panel by search in the start menu or by pressing the windows+i button.
  • Now click on the Apps option and then click on Programs.
  • Next, Navigate and click on Uninstall a Programme.
  • After that, select the Steam App and right-click on it, and then click on Uninstall.
  • A new pop-up window open select the Uninstall again.
  • Now follow the on-screen instruction to proceed with the deletion of Steam.

Delete Steam Account On Mac

  • Click on the Finder app on your system from the bottom of the menu bar.
  • Now Select the Application folder from the right.
  • Then Navigate to the and right-click on it.
  • After that, click on Move to Trash from the drop-down menu.
  • Now click on the search ( magnifying glass icon) from the upper right corner and type Library.
  • Next, click on Library and then double click on the Application support.
  • Please navigate to the Steam folder and right-click on it.
  • Next, select the Move to Trash option.
  • Now go to the desktop and right-click on the Trash.
  • Then select the Empty Trash to delete the Steam permanently for your system.


Here are all the necessary steps to delete the Steam Account and the Application from your system. If you are uncertain that you may use Steam again as you think about your spent money in it, then there are alternates also as you may ask for a refund of deleting the Steam from the system. Moreover, if you decided to delete the Steam account permanently, then follow the above steps. Also, please share your experience with us about what made you delete the steam account and regularly visit the website for more queries.