Whether you’re a business owner or influencer, or somewhere in between, this is going to help you bucket loads.

It’s hard to describe but somehow those pictures – which aren’t any better than any other images – somehow come together in a way that’s just beautiful. Like this one  >

Or this one  >

The reason??  The ’grammer has taken the time to create a stunning aesthetic.

1. How? Let’s get down to brass tacks.

Define your aesthetic theme

2. It’s tricky to stick to an aesthetic if you don’t know what it is.

So what will your aesthetic be? Light, bright and fun?

Dark, moody and raw?

As you can imagine, having a well defined aesthetic theme will help you find and select images. Whether it’s a staged shot or a stock image, you’ll know whether it’s ‘you’ or not. How To Plan A Week Of Posts In 20 Minutes Your speedy instagram cheat sheet to plan out all your content

3. Pick a Common Thread

Now that you’ve got a theme, it’s time to think about consistency.  A cool way to do this is to pick a common thread that brings every image in your grid together. Maybe a splash of red, or an actual object; it’s something that appears in every image and drags your audiences eye along each of the images. Like this one that uses terracotta

Or this one that shows…Allllllll the pink!

4. Choose a Filter

Have you ever seen an over-filtered grid? You know the one – it light, then dark, then hazy and burry and green and blue…. We reckon the best grids are the ones that have just a few filters that maintain the look and feel of the images. Of course, this will relate back to your theme and how you want to make your audience feel when they see your images. As with eyeshadow – less is more.

5. Plan! (Plann)

Awesome grids don’t just appear out of thin air – they are planned in advance and then images are moved around to make the whole thing better and then swapped and changed and rethought and fixed. Hey – there’s an app for that! Using Plann for desktop, you can upload all your images to your grid, edit them and move them around so that you can see what your Instagram grid will look like in advance. Just took an awesome shot? Upload it and see how it looks – maybe you should wait until next week to publish it – or perhaps it needs to go up right now!   An awesome aesthetic is a beautiful thing. It takes a bit of work, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy the process and get loads out of it!